At NYT, Kayla Guo writes that family experience with disability can foster bipartisanship on disability issues. She focuses on Senators Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Eric Schmitt (R-MO)

They have little in common in terms of politics or legislative priorities. But both have children with disabilities: Ms. Hassan’s son, Ben, 35, has severe cerebral palsy. Mr. Schmitt’s son, Stephen, 19, is nonverbal and has tuberous sclerosis, epilepsy and autism.

“You have that special bond that is sometimes hard to explain to other people,” Mr. Schmitt said of his relationship with Ms. Hassan. “We may not vote together on hardly anything, but there’s a deeper connection.”

At a moment of stark polarization across the nation, Mr. Schmitt and Ms. Hassan are among several lawmakers in Congress with disabled children who have bonded over that shared circumstance. The common ground these lawmakers have found is a reminder of the human elements of serving in Congress: the time spent away from family, the importance of relationships on Capitol Hill and the personal perspectives lawmakers bring with them to Washington that shape their political and policy agendas.

“It’s something that you hear people in public office say a lot, but we actually have a lot in common,” Ms. Hassan said in an interview. “We have similar family experiences. We’re struggling with a lot of the same things, and I hope Americans will remember that and stay focused on it.”