Democratic congressional candidate Aditya Pai has released a new documentary on his campaign for U.S. Congress to represent Artesia, Cerritos, Hawaiian Gardens, and north Orange County. Pai’s candidacy focuses on a need for more public service and less politics in CA-45 by tackling corruption in DC, reducing cost of living, and improving the quality of constituent service for families in the district.Pai’s campaign garnered national coverage in the summer of 2023 when a mass email went out to supporters and the press falsely announcing the suspension of his candidacy.Pai acknowledged this was an accident, but reiterated that he stood by the message of the email — which lamented a broken political process that discourages so many good people from running for office. An unintended consequence of the incident was that it attracted new voters and supporters similarly frustrated by the political process. This response inspired Pai to build a new campaign more responsive to CA-45 voters — rather than the out-of-district donors and interest groups that tend to dominate congressional politics. The documentary was directed by Nolan Englund and produced by Dilan Mistry at NativeFour, both of whom serve as media directors of the Pai campaign.