Civility and Civil Disobedience

David French: Civil disobedience is distinct from First Amendment protected speech. It involves both breaking an unjust law and accepting the consequences. There is a long and honorable history of civil disobedience in the United States, but true civil disobedience...

Advice from Prof. Robert P. George

Princeton Professor Robert P. George: My advice to university presidents is that your policy should be as follows: We honor freedom of speech and therefore do not impose and will not impose viewpoint-based restrictions on speech. We will, for the sake of protecting...

Campus Silence

The 2023 Campus Expression Survey (CES) from the Heterodox Academy: Many students are at least somewhat reluctant to discuss numerous controversial topics, with 47% of CES respondents being reluctant to discuss Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 45% being reluctant to...

An Incident at Pomona

Jennifer Kabbany at The College Fix: Pro-Palestinian students who stormed Pomona College president’s office were arrested and booked by riot-gear-wearing police on Friday, the Claremont Courier reported. “Nineteen were charged with misdemeanor trespassing after...

Pitzer and Haifa

From JTA: An elite West Coast liberal arts school will no longer pre-approve students to study abroad at Haifa University, in a decision announced after its student government voted against the program in protest of Israel. Anti-Zionist activists at Pitzer College and...

A Statement on a Proposed Boycott

Students at Pitzer College have proposed suspending the college’s direct enrollment study abroad program with the University of Haifa, At The Student Life, Ansley Washburn and Annabelle Ink report on one reaction. [On] Wednesday, Feb. 28, TSL received a statement from...